Forget your New Year’s Resolutions and Build Mindful Habits instead
Posted on 4th January 2024 at 07:32
Early January and the ship of good intentions is already floundering on the rocks. Resolutions are generally made as a reaction to a month of excess, or just simply because the calendar ticks over into a new year. It is how we measure ourselves; a good year or a bad year, and it starts on 1st January. We are imprisoned by this in-the-box thinking and knee jerk reactions.
Most new habits don’t stick simply because we never really wanted them in the first place. They are just not us, and we tend not to have the motivation to keep them going. We think about the outcome we want - i.e. be fit - rather than whether behaving like an athlete habitually fits in with our persona and priorities.
Habits are built from repetition. So much so that the thoughts, emotions, actions that become those habits are unconscious. We are unaware sometimes that we have them, and certainly are ignorant as to their causes.
That’s why mindfulness is the foundation for breaking bad and building good habits. It makes the unconscious – conscious. When we are aware of why we think and do stuff, then we become free to change it, according to our deeper values and needs.
Our lives are run by habit-determined scripts which keep us running the same routines. If you’re sick of yourself making the same mistakes, saying the same things, or being restrained by the same-old self critic in your head– then read on.
There is lots of good advice and literature on how to build and break habits. James Clear’s Atomic Habits is the number 1 bestselling book on Amazon, and is certainly worth a look. (I loved it.)
However, what I am doing with my good friend and colleague from Canada, Jennifer James, is different.
We have developed a program which combines habit building with mindfulness teaching to give you a toolkit to make lasting life changes and achieve what you want to.

You will examine your own habits and what drives them. Explore where you would like to go in life and how your habits will build that pathway. Use mindfulness to make you more aware of what drives YOU, and why you do what you do – as well as making the unconscious conscious. Then we teach you how to flip it on its head and create habits that stick.
This 9-week programme starts on 8th February. If you would like to know more, fill out a contact form, email or message me directly.
Of all the training and life-changing work you do in 2024 – you can’t miss this one!
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