Burnout in the workplace is reaching pandemic proportions. Since the start of 2016, Google searches of ‘occupational burnout’ have tripled in the UK. Why is this happening? How do you know if it is happening to you? Is there anything you can do about it? 
Since Covid, many of us have adapted to a hybrid working world between office and home. It further blurs the boundaries and impacts our ability to switch off from work stress. 
Burnout as defined by the World Health Organisation consists of three characteristics: 
Emotional exhaustion 
Cynicism related to the job or work 
Reduced professional efficacy. 
None of these might be a surprise when you think about it, but what many of us don’t realise is that: 
Burnout happens in stages and understanding where you are in the journey is vital. 
It’s hard to recognise the early signs because of the excitement we experience as we take on a challenge. Many of us like a little jeopardy too. 
Employing some simple tools can help prevent, cure, and recover. An acceptable work/life balance is possible! 
I have developed a programme, a concept called The Burnout Ladder® to help you recognise, confront, and beat this ever-growing problem. Soon there will be a book to go with it too – a manual to help you stay mentally healthy. 
Here is what one client said of the half day course: 
“I would say it is an essential training that everybody who is working should do” 
Book your FREE 15-minute discovery call using the link above or below. I will help you assess whether you are heading for burnout. 
Contact me today for support and book your free 15 minute discovery call: 
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