Those early boosts of adrenaline and cortisol are fading away. Chronic stress has set in. Anxiousness a habit rather than an exception. You are starting to get irritable, pale, and unfit because of the late nights of working and lack of exercise. Concentration wavers and it’s a drag getting your aching body out of bed. 
You are missing the important moments in life outside of your work, and you are escaping into ‘comfort-seeking’ activities – scrolling, gaming, smoking, drinking. 
You are neglecting yourself and those you care about, just to keep up the pace. The stress is making you fatigued, and what’s more, you are starting to hate it, really hate it. 
This is where reality bites in the journey to burnout, but you are not there yet. There is however, still plenty of cause for optimism, even if you can’t see it. That might be easier if you step back and take stock of where you are. I can help you do this with The Burnout Ladder® assessment – a quick questionnaire devised to get to the heart of where you are on your journey. 
If you’re worried about burnout, then contact me to find out how you can get help. 
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