It happened to me, and I tried to resist. I am addicted to Wordle. I downloaded an app on my phone about 3 weeks ago, and now I not only do I attempt the daily set puzzle, but any others I can get my brain around too. 
So today, over my morning coffee, I settled down to the mental tussle. 
I kicked off with I-D-E-A-S. A stole this starter word from a friend. Makes sense. 3 vowels, along with some very common consonants. 
Without going into the boring details of what was right and what was wrong, I then proceeded with 
S-P-I-T-E - was I feeling that way I wonder? It came to me pretty quickly without trying after all. Worrying. Progress made though. I was informed that 3 letters were in their rightful home apparently. 
So, next 
S-L-I-C-E - I am a golfer after all, and have been slicing terribly of late. Another subconscious worry? Apparently L was right but should be the 4th letter. 
Are you there yet? Maybe well ahead of me. 
So the correct word was, of course... 
S-M-I-L-E - so I did. 
If you smile when you're feeling down, you can trick your nervous system into feeling that you are happier than you might be feeling, releasing feel good hormones. 
Try and smile in your face and in your heart when you are feeling the pinch. Then see how you feel. 
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